齿圈-齿轴-齿轮轴-风电齿轮加工-精密花键齿轮轴 - 江苏新银叶传动机电有限公司

Service Tel:0510-85251139


    • Contacts:Miss Yang/
                          Jane Huang
    • Phone:0510-85251139/
    • Fax:0510-85305960
    • Email:julia@wxyinye.com/
    • Zip Code:214000 
    • Address:No. 30, Xinzhai Road, Shuofang, New District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China 

Company Profile

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Jiangsu New Silver Leaf Transmission Electromechanical Co., Ltd. was established in 1993 and is a high-tech enterprise in Jiangsu Province that focuses on manufacturing high-precision gears. We have been deeply involved in the mechanical processing industry for nearly 30 years. Since its establishment, the company has adhered to the belief of quality first, research and development as the foundation, and joint progress between production and research. We have introduced multiple world engineering design software and processing equipment.
The company has accumulated more than 50 patented technologies and more than 30 new processes, covering industrial application fields such as wind power, locomotives, mines, petroleum equipment, and grain machinery.
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