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[Wind TV ring gear] selection method

time:2016-3-15 Click:1550次

With the development of science and technology matures, wind power has become a new hot spot in the world energy industry. Combined with domestic and foreign wind power technology research situation and development trend of wind turbine gear oil special nature of comparative analysis and summary, but also with the rapid development of wind power technology at home and abroad, indicating that wind turbine lubrication related products will have a broad market prospects.

Wind TV ring gear selection method
1, the inner ring lubrication points wind TV: high-grade lubricating oil can prevent micro-pitting
2, wind TVU ring gear viscosity characteristics: superior performance of high-performance synthetic lubricants
3, the ring gear filtered air TV: The election of the lubricating oil to reduce replacement costs
4, ring gear wind TV Water resistance: avoid residual material



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