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[Hardened carburizing grinding gears] features

time:2016-3-24 Click:1836次

Carburizing grinding gears hardened material is hardened steel, carburizing steel contained various tests carried out not only before carburizing performance measurement, performance parts after carburizing section heart and mind in addition to the Ministry of performance related, but also by the depth of carburized layer, the carbon content of the carburized layer and microstructure.
Factors gear grinding carburizing hardened internal stress distribution

1, bending strength: static strength carburizing steel is generally measured by the bending test. Part hardness of heart, combined carbon content of the surface layer of the chemical composition of the steel affect the bending strength. In the case of a certain case depth, core hardness increases, the bending strength increases; when the carburized layer of the same organization, case depth increases, the flexural strength increases; in the case depth and core section the same hardness, nickel steel bending strength high bending strength than other steel; bending strength is increased to reduce the carbon content of the carburized layer level.
2, fatigue strength: Gear usually caused by variable loads and fatigue damage, such as damage to the tooth root bending fatigue combined tooth surface contact fatigue damage.


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