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[Precision machine tool gear] is a small secret to promote the development of the machine tool industry

time:2018-8-31 Click:2872次
Thanks to China's economic growth, the domestic machine tool industry has made rapid progress in recent years. At the same time, China is also the world's largest consumer and importer of machine tools. In terms of market demand, with the strong development momentum of a number of high-growth industries based on heavy industry such as domestic automobile, steel, machinery, mold, electronics and chemical industry, the demand for efficient and high-precision automated manufacturing equipment, machine tool industry Enter the stage of rapid growth. From the perspective of imported models, precision production, high-efficiency and high-speed CNC machine tools, machine tool remanufacturing demand has increased significantly, showing that China's machine tool demand structure has undergone a major change. However, important parts that affect the development of machine tools are also indispensable, that is, precision machine tool gears.
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