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[Gear precision grinding processing] to give you efficient and accurate

time:2018-8-31 Click:3078次
The precision grinding of the gears is carried out in the overall rapid deep grinding of the workpiece, which significantly improves the production efficiency of the gears in the service life, thereby improving the economics of processing and production: by greatly reducing the adjustment time during processing operations and The adjustment of the meaning of the feed, thereby improving the service life of the gear precision grinding.
In the process of precision gear grinding of gears, most of the blanks are subjected to isothermal normalizing after forging, in order to obtain a good metallographic structure with good processing performance and trend deformation; for low-speed net-column gears with low precision requirements, hot front shaving can be performed. After the heat is no longer processed, the application of the radial shaving method expands the range of shaving applications; the cylindrical gears are post-heated with two methods of caries and grinding, the cost of the teeth is low but the tooth shape correction ability is weak, and the grinding accuracy is High and high cost; the use of the tooth tip trimming along the tooth height direction and the drum tooth shaping process along the tooth length direction can significantly reduce the gear meshing noise and improve the transmission performance, and is a research field that has been widely concerned.
Among them, gear hot post processing has two kinds of grinding teeth and grinding teeth. Due to the high cost, low efficiency and limitation of grinding gear, most of the grinding teeth are used at present, and the geometric correction ability of the grinding teeth is very weak, so according to the above understanding, we It can be known that gear precision grinding has high requirements for the use of gears and its accuracy.
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